The National Network of Physical Therapy and Massage Centers “Spine Ambulatory” will help you to get rid of back pain, neck, joints and restore the correct posture. You will get a result for a long time and feel positive from the first visits.
In their activity, all employees adhere to the main mission of the network – to reduce as much as possible the percentage of diseases of the musculoskeletal system in Ukraine. During therapeutic sessions we use proven experience of non-medicated methods of physical therapy and massage, teach the correct and safe methods of physical activity. We relieve pain and discomfort in the back and joints in order to improve your quality of life, provide you with the full exercise of freedom of movement during work and rest; any course in our Centers minimizes the number of domestic and sports injuries associated with impaired functions of the musculoskeletal system. Through prophylactic intensive courses, we work to ensure that the delivery of children and adults is balanced throughout life.
Individual interaction with patient / client during medical sessions significantly increases the result – attention and word are treated better. In general, in addition to the therapeutic effect, courses in our Centers improve the psycho-emotional state and improve the working capacity.
We want the Ukrainian nation to have the healthiest and strongest back in the world.
In order to achieve our goals, we provide quality services and work to ensure that our Centers are in every residential complex near your home for maximum comfort for you and your family.
The Center for Physical Rehabilitation “Spine Ambulatory” since 2011 helps patients with acute and chronic back pain. Positive dynamics is observed after the first lessons.
From the moment of discovery, we have chosen, tested and used for the treatment exclusively natural methods of spinal recovery, as a healthy alternative to the rooted, not very effective methods of treating the back. Traditional drugs (for example, painkillers) may not be effective in the long term, are sometimes contraindicated for use, and may have adverse health effects for both children and adults. Operational intervention is associated with a high risk and is necessary only in 2-3% percent of acute cases – during operations the guarantees are minimal; after surgery requires a long period of recovery and rehabilitation. Operations can have irreversible effects on the musculoskeletal system and overall health. The traditional “fast” methods, which are widely known, later turn out to be a serious problem.
After examining the causes of spinal diseases, we came to the conclusion that everyone has the opportunity to restore the functionality of the spine even with acute pain symptoms and strengthen its back for a long period. We have compiled requirements for the methodology, which should be as efficient as possible.
In the process, we selected three methods (3 in 1) for the complex treatment of the spine and posture correction.
01 Method
In 2011, we found the first technique that met our requirements. The technique is patented, passed preclinical and clinical studies in the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, while successfully operating for about 10 years. This is a technique of natural extension, strengthening and correction of the spine on the spinal, vertebral simulator “Cypress”. The methodology and simulator were created and patented by the Ukrainian academician Pekur V.P.
02 Method
Until 2012, we worked exclusively on the method of the simulator “Cypress”. Despite the high efficacy and long-term results, many of our patients lacked an integrated approach. Therefore, since 2012, we have introduced the second method – Complex Therapeutic Massage. Massage helped to relax more, both before and after classes at the “Cypress”. In some cases, it provided the necessary health effects not only on the back, but also on other parts of the body. Spouses, friends or relatives of those who worked with us, while waiting, could use one session or a course of massage for the whole body, back or neck-collar area.
03 Method
In the same 2012, we supplemented the complex with the third method – Restorative Kinesiotherapy (RKT). The technique is also known as Mechanotherapy or Kinesitherapy. The essence of the technique in creating conditions for the restoration of the functions of the musculoskeletal system when interacting with the nervous system is an individual course of exercises on special simulators crossovers, which is performed under the supervision of a rehabilitologist. The course takes into account the patient’s condition and patient’s goals, works to strengthen muscles and joints, improve joint mobility, relieves pain, fatigue, improves the overall tone of the body without exhausting “gymnastic” loads
Today we use all three techniques in the complex to ensure the full natural recovery of your spine.
A full cycle of pain treatment in the back and joints, a number of preventive solutions for patients of any age, at any level of physical fitness:
Effective back treatment at any age
Both children and adults with no age limit come to Obolon Ambulatory Center in Obolon. After completing the course, many bring their relatives, colleagues and acquaintances. The “age of the problem” also does not matter – the technique helps to cure the spine to all those who seek it.
No side effects and pain
All movements during exercises on the simulator for stretching the spine and in the process of CGT are absolutely available. In combination with the right breathing exercises lead to excellent results. Habitual pains in a long time leave already at the first occupations. The body is filled with energy and ease.
Absolute movement safety in the classroom
The treatment is made in a state of rest. The position of the body on the exercise machine for stretching makes it possible to relax joints and muscles painlessly without load. All movements are performed by patients in a natural and safe mode. Any overload excluded.
Under the supervision of specialists
Each lesson takes place under the supervision of rehabilitation therapists and doctors of the center. They are the ones who monitor the correctness of the movements and your breathing, in general well-being. The adjustment of the individual program can occur daily.
We aim for long-term results
We do NOT promise solutions for back pain “in one session” and do not have a “magic pill” for all illnesses. The problems of the spinal column, with which patients come to us, are formed for a long time and require a systematic approach with your conscious participation in the treatment process. Treatment at the Center will relieve you from back problems really for a long time.
Requirements for the staff of the Centers
Every Doctor and Rehabilitation Center, regardless of basic education and work experience, undergoes a course of study and internship in all three methods of the Center. Each employee has the knowledge and experience to work with the patient in full on all three methods of the complex. The doctor prepares a course program after studying the history of the disease, functional diagnosis. Conducts additional consultations in the course of the course. Supervises the work of rehabilitation specialists. Rehabilitation doctors supervise patients throughout the course. Conduct tests, individual classes. Record the state of health, correct the program of occupations on the state of health of the patient, conduct individual massage sessions or add a massage during exercise on the simulators if necessary.
Administrative block
We also tried to create the most comfortable conditions in the center. The center operates 7 days a week, from weekdays, from 8:00 to 21:30. The schedule is compiled according to your wishes. At any time, you can move classes or massage sessions at another convenient time or day. We are always happy to offer individual conditions for family benefits, privileged categories, new patients. If you wish, you will be able to receive SMS or e-mail with promotional and discount offers to maintain the health of your loved ones and yours. The center is 50 meters from the metro, there is a large parking lot.
The Center uses only natural methods to restore the spine.
The method is based on the natural ability of the human body to recover:
Terms and techniques for safe spine treatment include the following components:
This complex does not leave a chance for the most complex disease of the spine. However, in the course of studies, you must adhere to a gentle, orthopedic regime. We show and help the body to independently rotate and adjust the lost features. Working deep, tone muscles allows you to influence the problem areas of the back, both in physical therapy classes and during massage. Duration of the course is completely individual, as well as the purpose with which each person comes to us. Despite the minimal load and painlessness of the technique – the main focus is the work with the muscles. Our center is open weekend, from 08:00 to 21:00. Come and we will make for you the most convenient schedule of classes that you can adjust at any time of day and time. The Center’s comprehensive methodology is to treat painlessly and solve all the problems of the spine.
With our help you will forever forget about back pain!
This site is for educational purposes only; no information is intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice.