Back pain is not a medical diagnosis. Back pain is studied in consultation as a complex set of symptoms and individual factors that are divided into biological, social and psychological:
Biological factors in our time are no longer considered the sole cause of the formation of pain symptoms of the spine.
Back pain often begins at so-called trigger points. Trigger points are areas in the tissue that responsive to pressure, they are located in the muscles, muscles of the fascia, tendons and have a size up to 1 cm in diameter. Some trigger points can be “transmitted” to other areas.
This type of pain is often observed in the back of the head (neck), back, neck and shoulders. Trigger points can form a chain reaction (when pain is transmitted further to other areas), especially in muscle tissue. Overloading the muscles or weakening them in response to pain causes the muscles to contract and strain, resulting in a shortage of localized conversion to muscle tissue. To relieve pain in one area, the patient can tolerate the load on other areas, resulting in overloading other muscle groups, creating more trigger points and further forming pain symptoms.
Examine your symptoms of back pain at a consultation.
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