In most cases, back pain occurs in the lumbar spine and the lumbar sacral region, less in the cervical spine. This is due to the fact that the static stresses acting on the spine are the largest in the lower back.
Back pain – this is not always a sign of the disease, rather – a warning signal to action – to go for a consultation. The organism warns that it is necessary to change the attitude to the problem that has arisen – to listen, to study, to make conclusions and actions.
Pain sensation is caused by various agents, but they are united by general quality – a real or potential danger to the body. Such a pain signal provides the mobilization of the body to protect against a pathogenic agent and creates a defensive limitation of some functions of the body damaged by pain:
Vegetative components: associated with the autonomic nervous system.
If back pain appears more and more – call back and sign up for a consultation.
The doctor will determine the need for further research and will make a recovery program without medication:
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