Back pain is a problem for modern people with a sedentary lifestyle. Sedentary work, prolonged driving, computers and other factors provoke the development of back diseases. One of the most common diseases of the back is hernia of the lumbar spine. It occurs at the level of the location of the 5th lumbar disc and sacrum (in most clinical cases). In order to know how to recognize the manifestation of the disease, it is necessary to get acquainted in more detail with the factors and symptoms of the manifestation of the disease.
Lumbar spine hernia: symptoms and treatment
For a complete understanding of the pattern that occurs when the lumbar spine is herniated, it should be mentioned that each segment of the spine consists of 2 vertebrae and a disc. Due to the intervertebral disc, the vertebrae do not touch each other, but are at a certain distance from each other. This is a kind of shock absorber that can reduce the pressure, regardless of the intensity of the load.
Lumbar herniation occurs when exercise exceeds the capacity of the fibrous ring (outer part of the disc). In this case, it protrudes beyond the anatomical position. The initial stage of development of the lumbar hernia is called protrusion, it is continuous. A hernia becomes a pathological condition when the fibrous ring breaks and the internal fluid exits. It is then that the disease has certain symptoms in the patient.
Causes of herniation of the lumbar spine
Frequent cases of lumbar hernia occur are the development of osteochondrosis or back injuries. People at 30 to 50 years of age (especially male) are at risk of getting a hernia. The main reasons that provoke the development of the disease include:
natural aging processes in the spine, when the distance between the vertebrae gradually decreases with age;
excessive exercise or abrupt weight lifting;
permanent stay in a sitting position (which causes the lumbar department to experience excessive pressure);
back injuries;
the presence of scoliosis, osteochondrosis (provoking loss of spinal disc elasticity); immobile or immobile lifestyle.
The risk group includes people who are busy sitting, professional athletes, drivers, people who are wrongly overweight or overweight.
Symptoms of the disease
There are common symptoms that can be associated with any type of spinal hernia – pain, limb numbness, general muscle weakness. Hernia of the lumbar spine has certain special symptoms of manifestation. At the initial stage of the development of the disease the symptomatology is manifested only by pain in the lumbar region. Clinical manifestations of the disease are:
shoots in the waist area;
increased pain when changing position, lifting weight, coughing, muscle tension;
the occurrence of pain when turning or tilting;
pain in the lateral part of the legs;
inflammation of the gluteal nerve with a return of pain all over the leg and into the buttock.
The presence of such symptoms is a serious condition that cannot be ignored. Timely treatment will prevent the development of complications and cure the disease without surgery.
In order to prevent herniation of the lumbar spine, some preventative measures should be taken. They aim to safely lift weights and lead an active lifestyle. In particular, it is necessary to limit the load on the back and not ignore any manifestation of unpleasant sensations. If it is difficult for you to do the job, it is better to refuse it than to allow the development of hernia.
A good preventative measure is an active lifestyle. Gymnastic exercises, hiking have a positive effect on the spine. It is important to give up bad habits (especially smoking). Smoking itself causes a breakdown of the nutrition of the tissues of the spine.
Additionally, you should perform exercises to maintain posture and maintain a normal level of weight. This will reduce the pressure on the intervertebral discs, and minimize the risk of herniation of the lumbar spine. Purchasing an orthopedic mattress will help you maintain your body and spine correctly at night.
If you still have a lumbar spine hernia and need effective alternative treatment without surgery, then you can consult a specialist in the Center for Physical Rehabilitation ®Spine Ambulatory. Do it! An individual approach to solving the spine problem, comprehensive counseling and the use of effective methods of physical therapy in combination with massage will produce the desired results.
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