+38 (067) 410 83 29
Mon-Sun 8: 00-21: 00
Mon-Sun 8: 00-21: 00
+38 (067) 410 83 29

New Center on O. Pchilka

    New Center opened December 15, 2018!

    About Center

    The new Center will operate daily from 8:00 to 21:00

    The center is located at the street. Elena Pchilka, d. 6

    We offer you a discount of 19% in honor of opening.

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    Methods of treatment

    01Natural extraction, strengthening and correction of the spine on the spinal, vertebrological simulator “Cypress”.


    The benefits of working with the spine on this simulator could feel for themselves several thousand patients (whole families), the site has photos before and after the course of treatment. You can find reviews on our Facebook page, where we have over 6,000 followers.

    02To ensure the integrity of the approach we introduced in the course – Complex-Therapeutic massage.


    Massage helped to relax more both before and after classes at Cypress. In some cases, it provided the necessary health effects not only on the back but also on other parts of the body. Spouses, friends or relatives of those who have been engaged in us can use one session or course of massage of the whole body, back, or neck-collar area during waiting.

    03Supplements the complex – Restorative Kinesioterapiya (RKT). The technique is also known as Mechanotherapy or Kinesiotherapy.


    The essence of the technique in creating conditions for the restoration of the functions of the musculoskeletal system in the interaction with the nervous system – an individual course of exercises on special crossover simulators, which is carried out under the supervision of a rehab. The course takes into account the patient and patient’s condition, works to strengthen muscles and joints, improves the mobility of joints, relieves pain, fatigue, increases the overall body tone without exhausting “gymnastic” loads.

    Advantages of the Center

    Удобное расписаниеЛучший Комплекс лечения позвоночникаБезопасно
    Comfortable scheduleBest Complex TreatmentSafe
    Без боли и медикаментовРабота с острой болью в спинеДля любого возраста
    No pain and medicineGetting rid of acute back painFor all ages

    We are waiting for you since December 15th!

    Special offer

    Discount %

    Only days, until 15.02.2025


    This site is for educational purposes only; no information is intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice.

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