Kyiv city
Kramatorsk city
25 years of experience
Kramatorsk city
Kyiv city
Kyiv city
Experience in treating neurological diseases over 10 years. Natalia’s experience allows us to offer the best solutions for the relief of acute pain syndrome. The individual programs that Natalia creates for each patient brings a long-term result in the most challenging conditions in the spine.
Andriy Voloshyn
Physical Therapist
Massage Therapist
Andriy Pashko
Physical Therapist
Massage Therapist
Shokhrukh Abdukakhkhorov
Physical therapist
Kyiv city
Alina Herasymova
Physical therapist
Kyiv city
Pavlo Petrenko
Physical therapist
Massage therapist
Kyiv city
Alisa Remez
Physical therapist
Massage therapist
Kyiv city
Tetiana Makukhina
Physical therapist
Massage therapist
Kramatorsk city
Maryna Izmailova
Physical therapist
Massage therapist
Kramatorsk city
Oleksii Pivniev
Physical Therapist/Rehab Attorney
Specialist in postnatal rehabilitation
Kyiv city
Iryna Tkachova
Physical Therapist (PT)
Kyiv city
Dmytro Popov
Physical Therapist (PT)
Kyiv city
Denys Usov
Physical Therapist (PT)
Kyiv city
Yurii Dano
Physical TherapistMasseur
Kyiv city
Artem Ostapenko
Physical Therapist
Kyiv city
Anatolii Grynenko
Physical Therapist
Kyiv city
Yuliia Zvereva
Physical Therapist
Kyiv city
Primary reception of a doctor without registration of a course
250-400 UAH
Primary reception at the course of treatment
Treatment programs
Stories of recovery
Patient History Andriy came with pain in the cervical department, which gave in his left hand and increased with the movements of the hand. The numbness of the fingers and the headache at night were a...
Patient History Diana came with complaints of dizziness, a headache. There was a discomfort in the heart, a state of anxiety. Sleep disturbance, general weakness. ...
Patient History: Julia, 45 years old, complained of a strong pain below the right shoulder blade, which was healed on the right side of the chest and intensified during deep breathing, with his hands ...
Patient History: Olga, 28 years old – suffered from aching pain in the lumbar, limitation of mobility in the lumbar spine. Bil was significantly increased during the wearing of a small child in ...
Patient History: Sergei, 28 years old – complained of heaviness and pain in the shoulders and neck, rapid fatigue at the beginning of the day, dizziness. There was a stiffness. ...
Patient History Vladimir, 65 years old – came with a strong backache in the right leg. There was a numbness of the thigh, legs, and feet in the right leg, and in the left leg it was weakness. Al...
Patient History Sergey V. came to the primary consultation in our center with complaints of abnormal posture and periodic pulling pain in the shoulders and neck. In spite of a very active lifes...
Patient History Anatoliy Mikhailovich, 59 years old, came to the Center on the recommendation of the daughter of Alexandra, who has already undergone a course on the restoration of the spine. Alexande...
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