The protrusion of the intervertebral disc occurs in 50% of people after 30 years.
Protrusion is the initial stage of the formation of herniated discs in the spine. It is important to note that the appearance of protrusion does not cause a discontinuity of the core of the intervertebral disc, but fibrous fibers are already damaged.
The reasons for the formation of protrusions are:
various injuries of the spine (bruises at falls, strokes, road accidents);
posture curvature – scoliosis, kyphosis and lordosis (as the asymmetric pressure appears on the disk when the correct posture is disturbed).
lack of movement or vice versa excessive physical activity
age-related changes in the elderly
metabolic disorders.
smoking and drinking alcohol (thus cartilage is destroyed)..
Occurrence of protrusions is most often observed in the lumbar and cervical organs, rarely appears in the thoracic spine.
Lumbar protrusions may not appear very long. And only when the changes reach the nerve endings, then there is pain. Then there is muscle weakness, limitation of mobility in the lower back and numbness of the legs.
Protrusions in the cervical area appear as a result of metabolic disorders. The causes of such a violation may be diseases of the internal organs, age changes, infections with weakening of immunity or injury, as well as heredity and distortion of posture.
Prothronia in the lumbar-sacral division often occurs as a consequence of the appearance of degenerative or dystrophic processes.
In case of the first symptoms of protrusion (pain, limited mobility of the back and neck, numbness of the limbs, impaired sensitivity of the hands and feet), it is necessary to turn to a neurologist who will select the correct treatment under the control of the rehab.
The main symptom is the appearance of pain in the area of protrusion development.
Also, protrusion is accompanied by symptoms such as:
limitation of mobility,
numbness of the limbs,
Blood pressure changes.
There are other symptoms that depend on the particular section of the spine with a protrusion disk:
Protrusions in the neck section are accompanied by neck and neck pain, numbness and weakness of the upper extremities, tingling in the arms and shoulders.
Protrusions in the thoracic section are accompanied by back pain, abdominal muscle weakness, limitation of mobility, numbness or tingling in the thoracic region.
Protrusions in the lumbar section are accompanied by stiffness and back pain, tingling, weakness and numbness in the limbs, sometimes with problems with urination.
Exact diagnostics is mainly performed using MRI and CT, various laboratory studies. And in order to avoid complications in the protrusion of the intervertebral disc, in the event of pain, refer to the “Spine Ambulatory”.
Specialists of our Centers will accurately establish the root cause of discomfort. At reception, the specialist will conduct an inspection, clarify the symptoms, correctly diagnose and appoint an individual treatment program.
The protrusion of intervertebral discs is successfully treated in “Spine Ambulatory” with conservative (without medication and surgery) methods – complex programs that include massage, exercises on the Cypress physiotherapist, and restorative kinesiotherapy (VKT).
A comprehensive approach to “Spine Ambulatory” is effective both in treatment and as prevention to avoid exacerbations.
This approach allows you to achieve good dynamics in the process of recovery and excellent final results. At the same time:
tension of muscles is removed
the coronary muscles are strengthened
blood circulation normalizes
exchange processes are accelerating.
An appeal to the specialists of the “Spine Ambulatory” will help to eliminate the root cause of protrusions, prevent exacerbations and achieve recovery!
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