One of the main indicators that signals a violation of the functions or systems of the body is the appearance of pain.
Pain is a special type of sensitivity that occurs due to the effects of pathogenic stimuli and is characterized by subjectively unpleasant sensations, often accompanied by significant changes in the work of the whole organism. The pain may be periodic or chronic. Chronic pain is felt for a long time (more than 6 weeks). The pain may disturb for a long time or with some interval and is divided into blunt or acute.
Pain relief is brought about by various agents. Depending on the types of pain, such agents signal the real or potential danger to human health. Such pain signals mobilize the body in the fight against a pathogenic agent and create a defensive limitation of some functions of the body damaged by pain:
– – mobilization of an organism for protection against a pathogenic agent is an important and protective reflex reaction directed at dismissal or as much as possible restriction from the action of the factor (s) causing (their) pain.
– limitation of the function of the organ or organism as a whole (pathological example: compensatory rotation of the joints as a consequence of restriction of movement in places of localization of pain starting from the foot, affecting the balance of the knee, hip joint, etc.).
Pathogenic value of pain.
Pain is often the cause and / or component of the development of many diseases and conditions (for example, pain due to injury can cause shock and provoke its development, pain in inflammation of nerve endings causes a violation of the function of tissues and organs, the development of general reactions of the body: increase or decrease arterial pressure, impaired functions of the heart, kidneys).
The pain (or severity) in the chest often is not related to cardiac problems. Many patients who consult a cardiologist about heart attacks are actually suffering from a blockage of vertebral vertebrae.
Conversely, no gastric ulcer can lead to pain in the area of the transition of the chest and lumbar spine, and liver disease to relieve pain in the right shoulder.
Often, diseases of the hip joint give pain to the leg and knee. Complaints about pain in the spine very often, depending on the location of the affected nerve endings, redirected to remote areas, for example, to the outside of the foot, to the large joint of the toe or to the sole. Changes in the cervical vertebrae can be given to the fingertips or wrists.
The assessment of pain symptoms is complicated by the fact that the perception of pain is very individual – a sensation that is easy for one person to pull a pain, for the other – there is a feeling that is difficult to tolerate.
Pain susceptible people have a risk that the problem may be detected too late. In order to avoid untimely detection of the disease, it is recommended to pay attention to secondary symptoms of the disease: limitation of mobility of the joints, swelling or stiffening, violation of sleep and rest.
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