Diseases of the spine can cause pain and negatively affect a person’s life. Treatment of diseases in the initial stages provides a quick result and a lasting effect. Specialists of the clinic “Spine Ambulatory” treat protrusions of various conditions, intervertebral hernias, using proven methods and medical equipment. Prices for treatment in our network are available to all clients.
Protrusion of the disc of the lumbar spine is a pathology that appears against the background of age-related changes in the body, excessive physical activity or injuries. Protrusion is formed due to the protrusion of the body of the nucleus in the disk, while the outermost layer does not break through, but is held. The amount of protrusion in the lumbar region can reach several millimeters. This is a dangerous type of pathology, because inflammation can occur due to bulging, which will lead to pressure on the nerve endings that transmit impulses from the brain to muscles and internal organs (for example, the sciatic nerve can be infringed in the lumbar region, which provokes severe penetrating pain in the leg).
This condition of the intervertebral discs is a precondition for the occurrence of a hernia.
Depending on the direction of the protrusion, the following types of protrusion are distinguished:
There are three stages in the development of the disease.
At the first stage, the disk is subjected to a certain pressure (overstrain, overweight, trauma), the nucleus, in turn, presses on the fibrous ring, gradually breaking through each next layer.
At the second stage, the nucleus increases the pressure on the fibrous layers and contributes to the protrusion of the disc membrane beyond the borders of the marginal plates of the vertebrae.
At the third stage, the fibrous ring may rupture, and part of the nucleus extends beyond its borders, which contributes to the formation of intervertebral hernias. Often these changes are asymptomatic. Sometimes inflammation in the paravertebral tissues after the formation of a protrusion creates significant discomfort in the lower back and eventually leads to serious consequences.
The disease often appears against the background of lumbar or generalized osteochondrosis. Among the causes of protrusion, the following are distinguished: injuries, microtraumas of the back, heavy lifting and difficult working conditions, curvature of the spine, poor posture, prolonged stay in one position, heredity, infections of bones and joints.
The main symptoms of a protrusion of the disc of the lumbar spine can be considered as follows:
Basically, protrusions occur precisely in the lumbar spine.
To determine the presence of the disease and its stage, a comprehensive examination is carried out, which includes an examination by a vertebrologist, computed tomography (the doctor receives a three-dimensional picture of the condition of the spine), MRI. This allows you to identify the degree of development of the disease and tissue damage.
Patients with various back diseases receive treatment in our centers. Protrusion of the lumbar disc is treated with the help of physical therapy, complex therapeutic massage, traction and strengthening of the back on the medical device “Cypress”, VKT, mechanotherapy, manual correction.
A positive effect is observed with dosed physical activity during the treatment of protrusion of the lumbar spine. The doctor draws up a course based on the individual characteristics of the body, the patient’s medical history. The doctor controls the correctness of the exercises. Treatment sessions and a comprehensive course will quickly relieve pain, restore the functions of the spine and limbs.
To relax the muscles and adjust them to the optimal load, the doctor prescribes massage procedures before conducting restorative kinesiotherapy (RCT) or before traction on the Cypress simulator.
To improve the result, the manipulation is prescribed again. The alternation of massage before and after treatment guarantees an excellent therapeutic effect. The specialists of the Spinal Ambulance Center are proficient in various manual therapy techniques and have been working for many years. The treatment course is compiled for each patient individually.
“Cypress” is a medical device for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including protrusions. It provides relief from pain and hypertonicity of the back muscles, eliminates pinching of nerve endings and subluxations of the vertebral joints, and helps to restore the muscular corset for a long-lasting effect of treatment. Traction (traction) occurs in a sparing mode without the use of additional load. The patient is in a comfortable position. The device gently restores the elasticity and height of the intervertebral discs, returning them to the correct physiological place, and eliminates bulging.
Kinesiotherapy is a procedure aimed at rehabilitation of the musculoskeletal system during a complex course of treatment, as well as recovery in the postoperative and post-traumatic periods. Mechanotherapy allows you to eliminate pain by performing exercises prescribed by the doctor on simulators.
Manual correction – impact on the spine to eliminate functional limitations resulting from protrusion. Classical techniques are segmental massage, mobilization and push manipulation. They should only be carried out by highly experienced professionals. It is these therapists who work in the “Spine Ambulatory” centers.
If you are worried about pain in the lumbar spine due to protrusion, or intervertebral hernias are found, contact the centers of Spine Ambulatory. You will be provided with high-quality and professional assistance, quickly returned to the normal rhythm of life. We provide treatment at different stages of the disease. You will surely be pleased with the result.
This site is for educational purposes only; no information is intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice.