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Treatment of radiculopathy (radicular syndrome)

Запись на консультацию
  • Симптоми та ознаки
  • Класифікація
  • Діагностика
  • Взаємодія масажа та фізіотерапії

Diseases of the back limit a person’s motor abilities. The patient can not move freely, gets tired quickly, constantly feels pain. Radiculopathy is well cured in the early stages. The most effective is specialized treatment in specialized clinics, which use modern techniques, specialized simulators. Since 2011, the network of back clinics has been providing treatment measures to combat spinal diseases.

What it is?

Radiculopathy or radicular syndrome is a common pathology that occurs due to compression of the nerve endings of the spinal cord. Accompanied by many symptoms, one of which is a sharp piercing pain.


In addition to the usual wear and tear of the spine, with age, some pathologies also provoke symptoms of radiculopathy. These include herniation (hernia) of the intervertebral discs, osteochondrosis, injuries and compression fractures, infectious lesions of the spine, including tuberculosis, osteomyelitis, growth of tumors in the spinal cord.

The main types of disease are discogenic, vertebrogenic, cervical, thoracic and lumbar radiculopathy.

Discogenic radiculopathy

This is a pinching of the spinal roots with the subsequent development of muscle inflammation and autonomic disorders due to mechanical impact of intervertebral hernias or protrusions. This pathology develops mainly in conditions of complicated osteochondrosis. Manifested in the form of severe pain and occurs according to the localization of compression or inflammation of the root.

Vertebrogenic radiculopathy

Manifested by intense pain. It can be caused by both mechanical and toxic, dysmetabolic and immune processes in paravertebral tissues.

Cervical radiculopathy

Localized in the cervical spine. Signs of the disease – neck pain, sensitivity, weakness in the muscles of the upper extremities. Symptoms may occur not only in the neck, but also radiate to the shoulders, fingers. In the cervical region there are 7 vertebrae, between which there are 8 pairs of spinal roots that conduct impulses from the central nervous system and spinal cord. Impulses control both motor functions and the functions of individual organs and systems. Depending on which root is affected, pain may occur in the affected part of the body.

Thoracic radiculopathy

The pathology is localized in the middle part of the back (thoracic spine). Signs of the disease include pain with irradiation, muscle weakness, tingling, numbness, shots, tachycardia, respiratory disorders. The causes of the disease are degenerative changes in the discs, hernias (hernias), protrusions, spinal injuries, osteophytes, foraminal stenoses, as well as stenosis of the spinal canal.

Lumbar radiculopathy

Localized in the lumbosacral part of the back, where the center of gravity of the human body. The signs of the disease are similar to the symptoms present in other parts of the spine, differing only in localization.

Prolonged acute or aching pain in the back, neck or lower back is a reason to see a doctor. Examination is performed by the following methods: personal examination, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound (ultrasound), laboratory tests, electrocardiography (ECG). After a comprehensive analysis, the doctor determines the diagnosis.

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    3D Сканування Оболонь + Консультація

    Today, the most effective methods of treatment of radiculopathy, recognized in the world, are physical therapy and massage, which are aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease and full recovery of the patient.

    Rehabilitation doctor, physical therapist after a detailed study of the results of the examination, history, current condition of the patient determines the need for certain therapeutic measures. Depending on the type and location of the pathology, it is preferable to choose one or more methods, including:

    If you experience such symptoms or are diagnosed with radiculopathy, contact the Spine Ambulatory Network for professional treatment. We use modern equipment, proven treatment techniques. All manipulations are performed and controlled by doctors with many years of experience. Feedback from our patients can be seen on the website of the Center “Spine Ambulatory”, as well as on independent forums. Give yourself the joy of a full life!

    Специалисты центра:

    Andrii Voloshyn
    Physical therapist, masseur-rehabilitator
    Andrii Pashko
    Physical therapist, masseur-rehabilitator
    Shokhrukh Abdukakhkhorov
    Physical therapist
    Alina Herasymova
    Physical therapist
    Bukhval Andriy
    Physical Therapist, Rehabilitation Massage Therapist
    Myronets Tatiana
    Макухіна Тетяна
    Physical Therapist, Rehabilitation Massage Therapist
    Ізмайлова Марина
    Фізичний терапевт, Реабілітолог-масажист
    Костецька Ольга Андріївна
    Вертебролог, Лікар загальної практики
    Артем Остапенко
    Реабілітолог-Масажист, Фізичний Терапевт
    Анатолій Гриненко
    Реабілітолог-Масажист, Фізичний терапевт
    Павло Петренко
    Реабілітолог-масажист, Фізичний терапевт
    Денис Усов
    Реабілітолог-масажист, Фізичний терапевт
    Ірина Ткачова
    Реабілітолог-масажист, Фізичний терапевт
    Олексій Півнєв
    Фізичний терапевт/реабілітолог, Спеціаліст з постінсультної реабілітації
    Юрій Дано
    Реабілітолог-Масажист, Фізичний терапевт
    Юлія Звєрєва
    Реабілітолог-Масажист, Фізичний терапевт
    Ігор Горчица
    Лікар Ортопед-Травматолог, Вертебролог
    Наталія Михайловська
    Лікар Невролог, Вертебролог
    Лідія Вовк
    Лікар Невролог, Вертебролог
    Кутненко Володимир Андрійович
    Ортопед-Травматолог, вища категорія
    Каліщук Вікторія
    Фізичний терапевт/реабілітолог, Спеціаліст з постінсультної реабілітації
    Кірепко Михайло
    Фізичний терапевт/реабілітолог, Спеціаліст з постінсультної реабілітації
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    This site is for educational purposes only; no information is intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice.

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